“The day you turned thirteen, your body got away from you. you are nothing but bone laid bare. You don’t know if it has always been this way, and you don’t know how long it will last. Right now, this curse feels eternal.”
SMALL TOWN SKELETONS is a casual roleplaying game about being bored to the bone. Developed for zinequest 2022, it focuses on mundane life and supernatural awkwardness. Each player plays as an undead teenager, growing up in a remote town.

This is a collaborative storytelling game about teenagers who happen to be skeletons, entombed in their home town and just trying to get by. It’s a GM-less game for 3-5 players, designed to be played over the course of one session.
It’s a game about pushing boundaries, flirting awkwardly and finding space to be yourself. It touches on the boredom of growing up in small towns, dealing with the expectations placed on you, and forming forbidden friendships.
It can also be a game about the supernatural – where players conduct strange rituals, face immortality and try to figure out the strange curse that lingers over their town.
It’s a hack of Megeuy and Vincent Baker’s Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands. Like Firebrands, SMALL TOWN SKELETONS focuses on creating messy entanglements between characters – argue with your friends and crush on your rivals.